The Brief: This should contain the client’s vision on the event starting with the theme, content, the what, when, where and how of the event needs to be answered. Post shoot where, when and how they would be using the content created is very critical to delivering a memorable piece of creative videography. While we always consider that a lot of things would be obvious, a one line brief just won’t do.
The Stakeholders: The agency and their crew can be great! If the client’s influencers, mentors, partners, reviewer, audience is not taken into consideration whilst planning the project, the day of the event capture will be chaos. Too many directors putting up their expectation at the last minute would turn out to be a disaster for in terms of prioritizing and managing expectations. Don’t forget to meet at the venue site and discuss every detail with the facilities and tech teams on ground as they could throw up a lot of limitations, some could be as simple and basic as the non-availability of an HDMI cable.
The Budget: Crafting and shooting a memorable video can leave a small dent in your pocket or it could just burn a hole. It’s best to think about it and have a figure in mind - that is allocations by the sponsor, group, individual, corporate or an agency who needs your support. Many a time casual videography is misconceived to be a professional shoot.
Many clients think that when they as individuals shoot a video on their mobile and quickly do some magic over it on available apps on the mobile or mac or pc, why this agency is charging an arm and a foot. Depending on the brief, there are tons of gadgetry that goes into delivering a wow project in videography or photography as well meters of cabling, mixers, lights, switchers, routers, screens, power sourcing, wifi data, HD cameras and more. So, shooting from a mobile feels great for amateur experiments. Professional shoots are to be meticulously planned over hours of discussion and fine tuning, putting together a clear and concise/detailed storyboard, timing and lastly resource intensive.
Whether it’s a live streamed event which is the need of this Covid-19 era or one that needs to be captured, rendered and augmented with special effects, mesmerizing transitions and soul shattering music playing along – all of this and more can be achieved therefore its best to allocate a decent budget and then start talking to a professional agency / vendor partner.
Collaboration: A professional shoot whether video, photo shoot, aerial or otherwise needs collaborative effort for it to meet the brief and budget. Hence everyone involved needs to meet several times - onsite, offsite, in a coffee shop to go through the storyboard, discuss the itinerary and identify each and every dependency. Establish a team and get them to collaborate right from day 1 so you have smooth and seamless project execution.
Set out clear expectations for all stakeholders. For example, let the client know that once a shoot is done, there is a post production process and journey and the timeline is clearly understood so the team is not rushed to deliver a mediocre production which would reflect the individual, family, corporate, brand or entity within their networks.
Mission Critical Points:
1. The venue and their limitations could involve anything from the seating, lighting, projection and more for seminars and conferences. There are many venues today providing live shoots of conferences, seminars, workshops and more. Choose the one that suits your budget.
2. Ensure that your Master list of expectation are all documented and if possible have a dry run else everything expected to be in there is there in the list and on the morning of the event you realize the day is pretty warm and you have missed accounting for a makeup artist who could prep up the subjects of the shoot as and when required.
“Oops! That was not in our budget is what we mostly hear onsite on the nth hour.” “Master or Check list – We would start with the latter.”
3. The Crew is critical to a shoot project and many a time when there is no allocation of budget for a dry run due to budgetary constraints or time or some other dependency, you would go live directly especially on the morning of the shoot. Guess what! You planned everything to the fault but missed facilitating the crew’s ID verification at the end venue, clear instructions to offload their Kits at a closest point at the venue and alerting the venue personnel of the time of arrival of the team. Hours can be lost in this process and totally compromise your event shoot schedule especially if the shoot is a live stream and invites have been sent out to attendees.
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